that Delivers for Douglas County
Tim Freeman—A Record of Leadership
Forest Management & Natural Resources
- Continues to keep the federal government in check and accountable to properly manage forests
- Demanding the BLM & Forest Service remove the dead timber and restore our forest after devastating wildfires
- Leading the Association of O&C Counties as president for six terms
Investing in Public Safety
- Maintained 24/7 Sheriff patrols during crime spikes and economic uncertainty
- Secured funding to keep the District Attorney’s Office fully staffed
- Coordinating multi-agency efforts to slash illegal drug cartel growing operations
Committed to Veterans
- Heavily invested in the Veterans Service Office to better assists veterans
- Regularly attends the Douglas County Veterans Advisory Committee meetings and is an active member of the Douglas County Veterans Forum
Fighting Government Mandates
- Opposed ALL State and Federal Covid-19 mandates, fought for local control
- Advocated on behalf of small businesses to remove the government-imposed barriers